Why should you eat healthy?
Tips to be healthier
Reasons to be healthier
- better sleep
- better skin
- better mood
Another benefit of having a healthy balanced diet is having a better complexion. Through social media and celebrities they often always have perfect flawless skin. Therefore teenage girls, who generally look up to these people want to have perfect skin as well. But you might be asking why you might skill be breaking out even after using so many skincare products. It has never been a secret that eating fatty, fried foods can lead to a poor complexion. Since your skin is the largest organ in your body, it needs plenty of nutrients to stay healthy. A healthy diet provides your skin with all the nutrients it needs to grow new cells, rid itself of toxins and function properly on a daily basis. These all contribute a glowing complexion. Therefore girls, if you are tired of those frequent breakouts you might want to take a closer look into your diet.
Also last on my list of reasons why a healthy balanced diet is required in your daily life because believe it or not a healthy diet with regular exercise is proven to improve your mood. When you are getting a healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains throughout the day you are getting enough vitamins and minerals to boost your serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is believed to have a calming effect on your mood and help your sleep cycles.

There is no doubt about it, teenagers know days are lazier than before. Now don’t get me wrong as an teenager myself i know that going through that stage is confusing enough. There is also a lot of pressure that comes with it as well. Teenagers are pressured to fit in, do well in school combined with mountains of school work sport, activities and maybe even a part-time job. This can make having a healthy lifestyle difficult. However as an teenager now you must know that adopting the healthy habits will carry on to the rest of your life. The problem is that nowadays there are so many other options to choose from rather than making your own healthy meal such as easy microwavable meals and take away or simply ordering something from the canteen. Unfortunately, most teens aren’t aware of the positive effects that healthy eating can have on their day-to-day life.
Good eating habits is one of the most important ways in maintaining a healthy weight. This can be achieved by eating a variety of foods however you must also remember that it is ok to have an occasional. Start simply by maybe eliminating any soft drink from your diet, eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables each day, eating from all the different food groups and choosing healthy snacks.
Some of the benefits of eating a range of nutritious foods include increased energy. If you are feeling tired even after a good night of sleep you may not know that your diet may be a culprit. Eating the wrong foods overloads your body with empty calories that make you feel sluggish. While foods such as fries, pizza and burgers may taste good they may leave you with little energy because it isn’t getting the proper vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed.

Although it may be difficult to change an unhealthy diet immediately try the simple things first like cutting back some of the more processed and unhealthy food and slowly move your way to your goal. Remember it is always ok to have a cheat day or too but make sure it is in moderation. Make sure keeping a nutritious diet is a probity to having a good life for example better sleep, flawless skin and a general mental well being.
xoxo Tiana